These animated workshops work through the gospels a section at a time and show how there is an underlying structure that
knits the whole together. Every phrase in fact fits into the overall framework.
The gospel of Mark, the first gospel to be written, sets out the major premiss. Christianity in fact consists of two radically
different types of society. One is based upon the Judaic approach to the natural and moral law. The second is based on
the rationalistic approach of Greek philosophy. It is "the adult-child" who can move between both - (How does one become
an adult child?) A link to this animated workshop is
The two "synoptic" gospels to follow - Matthew and Luke, tease out the approach of each of these two societies.
Each shows the value system needed to construct the best type of society that it is promoting.
For Matthew this is a Judaic-family type society. A link to Matthew's animated workshop is
For Luke it is an urban-democratic type society.
A link to an animated workshop on Luke's gospel is
At the same time each gospel also points out the pitfalls to be found in both.
The Acts of the Apostles show the dilemmas facing the new "hybrid" society.
A link to an animated workshop on Luke's Acts is
This book by Luke also sets up the theological
base used in the Gospel of John.
A link to an animated workshop on the Gospel of John is
It's an interesting thing that people readily accept the existence of a left and right wing in democratic politics. But
they cannot seem to wrap their mind around the idea that both a left and right wing have a right to exist in the church.
Getting people to consider there may be two approaches within the one, was the task undertaken in the Gospel of John.
